Monday 27 March 2017

Security Content of macOS Sierra 10.12.4


说到「360 安全卫士」,很多人(包括我在内)的反应都不是很正面。很出乎意外,苹果系统更新里有多少 bug 的提交者署名来自「Qihoo 360」,

Sunday 19 March 2017






Saturday 04 March 2017

Keychain Not Saving SSH Key Passphrase in macOS Sierra by Default


Prior to macOS Sierra, ssh would present a dialog asking for your passphrase and would offer the option to store it into the keychain. This UI was deprecated some time ago and has been removed.

Instead, a new UseKeychain option was introduced in macOS Sierra allowing users to specify whether they would like for the passphrase to be stored in the keychain. This option was enabled by default on macOS Sierra, which caused all passphrases to be stored in the keychain.

This was not the intended default behavior, so this has been changed in macOS 10.12.2. To store passphrases in the keychain, set this option in your ssh configuration file:

UseKeychain yes

So that’s the reason. After upgrading to Sierra, I have to enter the passphrase manually every time I connect to a server via ssh in terminal. I keep wondering what kind of bug this is.

Add this small piece of code in ~/.ssh/config should fix this and make keychain enter the ssh passphrase automatically like before:

Host *
  UseKeychain yes

Monday 27 February 2017

Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for Mac


Aerial is a Mac screen saver based on the new Apple TV screen saver that displays the aerial movies Apple shot over New York, San Francisco, Hawaii, China, etc.

Each time the Mac enters screen saver mode, a different high-quality landscape movie which is shot by Apple will be displayed.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

The 45 min Leica Camera Ad


45 minutes of polishing the body of a Leica T camera. Nothing else.

While watching, I can’t help but keep thinking… just how well Apple manufactures its products.

Leica makes the body of a camera out of a single piece of aluminium, just like the unibody design of MacBooks and iPhones.

And Leica polishes those camera bodies with great care, which reminds me of this picture. The jet black iPhone 7 is so extremely polished, it doesn’t feel like aluminium any more. It feels like glass. And Apple produces hundreds of thousands of them every day.

In the 45 min ad, Leica asks: “Of course there are faster and less costly ways to make a camera. But is there a better way?”

I believe so.