Thursday 04 August 2016





——道格拉斯· 亚当斯《宇宙尽头的餐馆》

Sunday 31 July 2016

Interview: Professor Eiiti Wada, Creator of the HHKB


A great interview with the creator of the Happy Hacking Keyboard. Questions are decided by a poll in the mechanical keyboard community.

Professor Eiiti Wada:

When America’s cowboys were in the middle of a trip and their horse died, they would leave the horse there. But even if they were in the middle of a desert, they would take their saddle with them. The horse was a consumable good, but the saddle was an interface that their bodies had gotten used to. In the same vein, PCs are consumable goods, while keyboards are important interfaces.

Newcomers might see the slanted key arrangement as strange, and love the squared (ortholinear) layout. But the current pattern is said to avoid the type-bar conflict. The present key arrangement has a functional beauty. Many typists and computer scientists are fully accustomed to it. Once accustomed, human beings can have a hard time learning the slightly different interface. Keyboards should maintain the present layout.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

OS X's Interface Decline


Nearly every aspect of OS X looks less inspiring, beautiful, and meticulously rendered than it used to: packaging and branding, icons, buttons, switches, windows, “loading” indicators, color choices, light and shadow, and the general sense of charm and wizardry. Apple has siphoned the personality from the operating system and left it a watery husk of its former glory. Why would anyone do such a thing?

Highly agreed.

A quote in the article describes the sense of design by Steve Jobs, which I think hits the spot:

His design sensibility is sleek but not slick, and it’s playful. He embraced minimalism, which came from his Zen devotion to simplicity, but he avoided allowing that to make his products cold. They stayed fun. He’s passionate and super-serious about design, but at the same time there’s a sense of play.

— Maya Lin

The OS X (or macOS) does become cold, tasteless, and more importantly, hard to use today.

Wednesday 20 July 2016




那么我抵制百度,和一个人抵制日货,有什么本质区别么?我还抵制 nVidia(因为他们当年干掉了 voodoo),我还抵制韩国货(因为我讨厌韩剧),一想自己抵制了这么多东西,再去指责那些抵制日货的人不理性,我自己也觉得有点不好意思。


2013 年时知乎上的回答,至今仍然完全适用。「抵制」就是一个非理性的行为,而人应当保留非理性抵制任何东西的权利,只要不强迫他人。

Thursday 30 June 2016


美国科技作者 Marco Arment 曾经多次复述过这个体验:他在个人博客上写的文章经常被记者转述、歪曲后疯狂传播,表达出与他原意完全不同的意思;而他在语音播客节目中与他人谈话时讲出的观点,则几乎从未被听众断章取义。他也因此日渐减少写作,愈加热心于播客。

一个很相似的例子是 Bilibili 弹幕视频网。在中国大陆互联网世界,每条新闻下的评论区都充满污言秽语,内容作者得到的反馈总是无礼甚至恶意 [1],似乎是一种常态。但很奇怪,Bilibili 上的大量视频弹幕似乎都没有那样的戾气,反而相当友善。




或许付费获取内容将是未来的方向,但我总还希望保有些 old school [1:1] 互联网理想主义。那个一切信息可以自由流通的世界……

  1. 古典的 ↩︎ ↩︎